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Money & People on the Move


Money on the Move. 

Global mobility is not limited to individual physical transitions. Finances of all sorts are incredibly electronically mobile today, too. Open an investment account in your home country; the security assets may be derived from, sited, and subject to tax in a second country (i.e. US/UK/CD/AU citizens living abroad), while the custodians / investment managers may be located in third, fourth, and fifth countries.

Every border crossing has consequences that may impact individuals and businesses in life transitions.
Navigating through such complexity requires careful attention and detailed financial planning both from a domestic and international perspective prior to action steps relative to:

• Immigration and customs 

• Residency, domicile and citizenship

• Country connections and familial relationships: social, emotional, cultural and physical ties to two or more countries

• International and domestic tax compliance

• Dueling economies and their impact on trade & business

• Cash management and foreign exchange

• Investments: international and domestic allocations, passive and active, tangible and intangible, tax efficient and tax compliant

• Insurance and risk management

• Retirement lifestyles 

• Pension complexity and constraints

• Estate planning for multinational families in more than one jurisdiction 

• International reporting environment: FATCA, GATCA, EU Directive, OECD Common Reporting Standards, Anti-Money Laundering Compliance, etc.

• Regulatory quagmires, conflicts of laws, and inadvertent international financial planning traps.

Mobility-linked family, careers, education, emotional relationships, business, retirement and legacy ties to other countries inevitably make managing a family’s personal financial situations extremely difficult, disadvantaged, and complex (such as having a Non-US spouse), particularly when possible tax liability exposure and regulatory situations are inherent, but little understood.


It is a paramount part of any international financial plan that globally mobile individuals carefully consider the impact of decisions (not inclusive, or fully comprehensive) on

  • where they are now,​
  • who they (and their multiple family parties) are,
  • what they've invested in and where,
  • what risks will be incurred in not planning for domestic & international mobility contingencies,
  • how long they've been resident in a country (day counting),
  • where and how they want to retire,
  • how links to relatives impact family emotional financial parity and estate rationalization, and
  • what nationality / citizenship they want to acquire, retain, renounce, or formally relinquish - in order to avoid complicated costly personal and business financial situations going forward.

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